
And by this I mean both the  television series and those who belong to me.  This one word should sum up this Blogenge entry for me, because anyone who knows me, who knows me really well (ie my friends) will immediately cry ‘Monica’  (from ‘Friends’) on my behalf in response to this week’s  theme and title.   I always wanted to be Phoebe – quirky, funny, own sense of style, but no.  Not me.  I’m apparently Monica. True, the mother hen element is strong in both of us, and yes, I suppose I can be bossy.  If pushed, I will admit that there are times when I am competitive and strive to be the best (I said ‘strive’, not ‘am’ before you start) and I suppose I can be obsessive about things with my lists and cross-referenced notebooks and folders (who doesn’t colour code these days eh?)  So yes, I do resemble Monica. There, I have said it.  Hello, my name is Lynsey, and I am like Monica.

However, to leave it at that would be the soft option, and I have never been one to settle for the easy life or quickest fix. And so I would like to share a few other thoughts with you; ideas so far untested on anyone else, to see if I can establish myself as something a little more than just Monica. Someone with a few more quirks, a little more rounded and made up of the traits of a few more people. So here goes.

We are big fans of ‘In the Night Garden’ in our house.  We love all the characters, and though I am the size of one of the Pontipines, and used to have a blanket like Igglepiggle, I am closest in personality to Makka Pakka. Just like my desire to be Phoebe, I really fancy being like Upsy Daisy. She’s fun, bubbly and a great dancer, not to mention her awesome bed and gorgeous pink attire.  But no.  Not Upsy Daisy, not me: I’m much more of a Makka-alike. However, this is great in my opinion, as the big MP is Sam’s favourite, and is a hero of all the Hunters.  I don’t have rocks or stones, and the last time I looked in the mirror, I didn’t have Princess Leia-like buns for ears, but I do like to clean, and I am a little obsessive just like Makka Pakka. I’m also totally methodical and governed by routine and…oh.  Monica likes to clean.  Monica is obsessive.  And methodical.  And governed by routine…

OK, let’s try another one. 

Mokey.  From The Fraggles. Yes, there you go. Mokey.  Now, you may need a bit of a reminder about Mokey.  She was Red’s best friend. Yet again, although I wanted to be like Red, I was much more like Mokey.  She was one of the five main Fraggles, and had purple skin and turquoisey-grey hair.  I like to think that it is my creative, dreamy side that makes me very Mokey-ish. (Monica? Dreamy? No way – hurray!)  I write (though not as well or often as I’d like, hence the Blogenge) and Mokey used to write poems and stories and things.  She likes dreaming, hoping and is a really positive spirit, and I hope that people would agree that I’m usually a ‘glass half full’ person, even when this is not necessarily realistic!  Most of all, Mokey is a good friend to others, even to those who are supposedly her enemies, like the Gorgs, and I would like to think that my friends would count me as someone they could turn to and rely on… (don’t feel obliged to agree, obviously, but remember that I will cast my wrath on you forever should you decided not to!)  And most of all, Mokey liked to organise and mother the other Fraggles, a bit like me, and also like…oh no…Monica!

I’ve tried my best. I’ve looked at many more fictional characters, and just can’t find any that I resemble.  I’m nothing like She-Ra, and my likeness to Dangermouse is non-existent.  Peggy Mitchell is too ballsy and good at confrontation, which I am most definitely not, and Jack Bauer mumbles too much.  Jed Bartlett is too clever (I’m a grafter but my memory is rubbish) and Lisa Simpson is better on her saxophone than I am on mine (sorry Sophie).  I’ve looked at ‘Grey’s Anatomy’, and don’t want to start finding similarities between me and Meredith or Christina (though there are definitely hints of both) and there are two good reasons why I don’t come close to Jessica Rabbit…

So there you have it.  What can I say?  It appears that ‘fictional characters’ in the plural may not be necessary. Singular all the way. Monica Geller it is.  And though I wanted to be Phoebe, or Upsy Daisy, or Red to start with, I’ll take my bits of Makka Pakka and Mokey, and my large piece of Monica (how alike do all these names sound!!!), and I’ll be happy with who I am. Cos I’m me.  And I’m alright. For now anyway!

Now, does anyone know if  ‘Friends’ has one of those disclaimers about ‘These characters are not based on any real people’ cos I think I might have a legal case against them…