Well it’s Wednesday, and because of the Blogenge, I feel it is my duty to write on a Wednesday.  It’s become a little thing I look forward to, and actually, it’s been very good for building my discipline with my creative writing as a whole (depending on your definition of both discipline and creative). However, we are having a surprise week’s break in the Blogenge this week (it would appear…ho hum…boys are rubbish…well, Martin is…we still love him though…honest guv’na!!!) and so I have no theme, and that could prove to be dangerous; very dangerous. 

So rather than just blather on or go off at a tangent, I will say simply this:  I wanted to write on Wednesday, and write on Wednesday I have. It’s not much, it’s not interesting, I grant you.  It is, however, writing.  And it’s Wednesday.  Does exactly what it says on the tin.